hair care for itchy scalp

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itchy scalp

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Soothing flavour complex
Perfume-free, 100% natural moisturising shampoo for dry hair and scalps that are prone to sensitivity.
Rich, deep-conditioning treatment for shine and softness – 100 percent natural.
Invigorating, dynamic aromatherapy complex for tired scalps
Active shampoo for straggly hair
Structurising shampoo to combat oily scalps
Special oil for dry scalps
Nourishing leave-in care for all hair types: 100 percent natural.
Calming scalp lotion to regenerate moist scalps
Relaxing aromatherapy complex for tight, itchy scalps
Structurising shampoo for sensitive scalps
100 percent natural shampoo for strength and softness.
Structurising shampoo for dry scalps
Scalp lotion for irritated scalps
Scalp lotion for dry scalps
Strengthening conditioning shampoo for normal hair – 100 percent natural.